
Mammoth Midget Misadventure

I can't imagine how embarrassing that would be. That was like what happened to a coworker yesterday. She was complaining about the hot weather and said it was as if her "skin was melting off of her bones." Only after she said this did she realize that her customer was very obviously a burn victim. I felt so horrible.


The Mystery Biter Survey

Another true story. Chris and I were walking and I felt something on my hip (on my shirt) and I thought it was my bag but it was something...else. I brushed it away and it bit me (thankfully not piercing the skin) on the finger. However, we don't know what it could be. Therefore, we turn to the wonderful imaginings of Mandy's brain. Enjoy.


Just Me And My Bike



Creative Payment

...I said no.


A Tale of Woe and Diapers

A true story. And that's why, kids, you should never do drugs. (??).

Unrelated: I think this is a damn good picture. One of my best, because you can see the "dumb jock" in his face. And his hair is cool. *bow*


Hi, My Name Is ...

To see what I mean, check out the chocolate fountain.


A Creepy Excuse to Show Off My Ring


Ants on the Bathroom Floor (A True Story)

...again with Chris's touchpad so it looks a little odd. Awww cute ants though :)


May 2-4

A Special Birthday Message

The original picture

And now for the "real life" version...


A New Era in 'tooning

(just in case it wasn't clear... the first picture is me, broomstickhead, chris with the hearts, and dad... don't ask why they're all naked, it was easier than drawing bodies... and the second one is obviously me at various angles). Fun times. Slightly more complicated than the stick figures but cool. Nice change.




Mexican Speedo

Ahh, fun times. Almost as great as the time Dad offered to show us his vacation "thong" but it turned out to be the shoe kind of thong and not the underwear kind of thong. Phew.

On an unrelated note, the countdown to the 500th cartoon has begun -- this was cartoon 459 (I have already completed a few more, unpublished, cartoons). Will #500 be strange? funny? wicked awesome? YES YES and HELL YES. *grin*


Mandy and the Lobster (Part Three of Three)


oh, the wonderful world of mandy/broomstickhead cartoons. oh, the not-so-wonderful world of boredom.

Mandy and the Lobster (Part Two)

...Chris keeps saying "Lobstor"... hehe.


Mandy and the Lobster

... just because I love drawing lobsters...


Dad's Dream Come True


Mandy and Miss Hyde (Part Two)

Mandy and Miss Hyde (Part One)

Trying something new.


Chick Magnet

This is seriously the best drawing so far. So proud.


A New Baby

For Dad


Inventory Counts


The Crampinator

Mandy and Broomstickhead

these finger puppets were made by my mom... don't they look like us? too cute... hehe.



sorry, it looks a little odd because i made it on chris's computer and he doesn't have a mouse. i sooo can't use touchpads.


My Father the Car


Mark/Shania Twain


Why Do Weird Ugly English Men Haunt My Dreams?

(an actual quote from a Mandy dream... we were in a pit and these guys were going to torture us and that's the English guy's only response: "no disco")


Oprah/Chia Pet

i tried to link to oprah's website to prove my theory, but blogger crapped out on me and refuses to do it. i think it is because god and oprah are on the same side: there will be no more oprah bashing for fear of being struck by lightning.


Movie Sound Effects


Lean Mean Exam-Writing Machine


Hide and Go Seek

One exam left... Just one... and then summer...