
The Emster

Gross, but true.

Happy Birthday, Canada.


Bike Helmet Man

... I realize only after showing this to a few others that the guy may have been epileptic or have other medical problems. So... this is a little less funny than I had hoped. But still, the drawing is pretty good. I'm happy with it.

Our New Pet

Meet Harry! He is a small, exotic fluffball from the planet of Jessie's Back.

Street Un-Smarts

This was a real discussion on the quiz show Street Smarts. Duuuuumb.


The Coolest 6th Grader Around

What's scary is that I drew this eerily realistic drawing only after hearing the description "he has long hair over his eyes." Nice. I like it. I like how his hands are like, hanging there.

Improvement? Oh yes. I feel the cartooning soul developing.

Finger Refresh Button Exercises

*crosses fingers and waits for 10am to register*

Aren't you impressed by my hand? I am -- I'm glad it wasn't a waste of 40 minutes!


Drunken Guest Multiple Choice

Chris and I were betting on A. By the way, B and C were meant to be dancing, but I couldn't make it look better. D is me.


Sea Monkeys... With a Penis?

A very silly cartoon on a very silly Friday. Need an explanation? Ask Broomstickhead. I also, apparently, have no idea what a seamonkey actually looks like.

Chris and I are going to Connecticut today. I may or may not bring my laptop... so there may or may not be cartoons this weekend. We shall see.

Ta ta for now (and don't miss me too much)!


Mandy Can Be Girly... Really... She Can

I Ain't No Holla Back Girrrrrrl


James Blunthead

Holy sleeve/hand, Batman! I'm talented. ;)

And... Happy Birthday Chris!! <3

Wrong...Number? I think so.



Thanks, Papa, for the word of the day.


1 of the 10000 Customers Who Bought The Da Vinci Code From Me


500th Cartoon Special

The Evolution of Mandy in Cartoon - by Mandy

The Provinces of South America Are Fun to Remember - by Chris

Wonder Cartoon Woman - by Mom

Today On The Bus - by Broomstickhead

Advice From Garry Poo-Poo - by Dad

A Tribe of Bad Tippers - by Sean

Thanks you for the cartoons! They're great. Thanks to my "fans" and friends for laughing at these little doodles. :)

Tune in for #501 tomorrow...


Mah Fantasy Weddin'

This wedding actually happened. I saw it on a TLC show over the weekend. Sad. But they managed to put together a $650 wedding in a month - that's impressive.

Chris, I think they're onto something with that there apple pie. We should have the chocolate fountain and apple pies for dippin'.


That Nasty Bug (A True and Horrifying Tale)

Only one submission so far... Come on people, it's your time to shine! Hehe.

Mom and the Flour Accident


Cupid Meets Tom Cruise

500th Cartoon?

I'm fast approaching my 500th cartoon -- I just finished my 497th.

So. The question is: do you want to be a guest cartoonist? Make anything, doesn't matter if it's good or not (HA look at some of mine!), anything will be posted.

Email them to me as soon as possible. I guess Friday I can post the special, assuming I get some submitions.

Happy Cartooning!!


Paris Hilton's New Video

The "Stars" may be "Blind" but I know for sure now that they're also tone deaf.



Rain... Rain...

Special 2 cartoon day because it's Friday (and I'm bored).

Update: As soon as I made/posted this cartoon, it stopped raining. Coincidence? Methinks no. Rain wants to make a liar of me...


No, YOU Have a Happy Period, Biatch

Sorry if this is too much info. But really, I hate that message.


Great Prize!


The Price of A "Good" Read


Loud Neighbour

Happy Birthday Mom


Definition of a Hiccup


An Impromptu Performance


One Bitchin' Rabbit


You Tell 'Em, Dr Phil